Sunday, November 9, 2008


Jian Zhang and Annette

Jian Zhang and Annette, originally uploaded by Candid_shows.

Lovely scene of the 2...

photo taken during the OG sentosa outing =)

Saturday, November 8, 2008


Jia you for anything and everything
plus hope all of us can go out during the holidays..
but lihe, zhuo ni and i will be going to china for immersion until 29/11>_<



hey there people, it's pretty awkward to write this because i have no idea what to write.
ANYWAY, i shouldn't be here.
Just pop in to say hi!

okay, that was a very lame post by huimin here.
HAHA, have fun, enjoy holidays while i'm going to enjoy mine very soon. (exceptionally long one!) *smirks.

good day to you all!


YanTing asked me to blog den i blogged de lol.

btw, are we gonna have an outing during the hols??
hope that it will be full attendence this time, cos i really missed alot alot of you guys!!!

till then, tata!


Friday, November 7, 2008

knock, knock?

Okay, i got damn bored with school life, so i decided to do some very stupid stuff (which is to listen to evil uncle and ask lihe to create this blog!). Seriously have ABSOBLUTELY NO idea what this blog is for!! And, evil uncle is supposed to post too? Dosn't make any difference eh? still an empty blog...

Just to inform the peeps who are not yet informed or pretend not to be informed...(if they pretend to be not informed, will they care about this blog?) there will be an OG outing at I-don't-know-when, organised by one of our OGLs. i'll keep you people updated. 'though i doubt there will be any planning until the end of their A level papers. Can you people msg me when you will be free and IN SINGAPORE? let's get the date set, so that u can plan activities on other dates...

Well... can we like...take turns to post some crap? something about life, or jokes or riddles... I LOVE RIDDLES!!!! LOL.. or maybe, pictures of past outings?
J2s: enjoy your papers
J1s: enjoy your hols or work
poly students: enjoy your sch term
just enjoy life!!
and jiayou!!
and stay happy!!

P.s. evil uncle refers to sinhoe...
P.p.s. don't ask me why...
P.p.p.s should we have a tagboard?
P.p.p.p.s do message me when you will be free during the holidays!!!Please?
HI THERE! Clarine here! It's been a long time since I last talked to anyone of you! Hope you guys and babes are doing fine in which ever route we chose...Poly life isn't that slack as what I thought, more projects coming up and things here gets fast-paced once it hits the 2nd sem! TAKE CARES MY BELOVED OG3! I WON'T FORGET THE FUN WE HAD!!! =))) 

Forget-me-not! =p Update please, so I get to know how you peeps are doing. =) cya soon!


Ei! Why nobody update one?
Shihui: "Hello?!"
*knock knock*
Shihui: "Anybody home?"
*knock knock*
Shihui: "Who wants to play handiplast come out now!!!"
*OG3 came rushing out with their hands flailing their hands in the air screaming "YAY!!!"*

Okay, I'm crapping. I'm bored!! Haha! Oh man~ I'm going crazy.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


I <3 OG3!!!


